Hi! I’m Tahirah Abdullah, PhD.

I am a Black Muslim (cis)woman from Jacksonville, FL, who values community, authenticity, and liberation.

In addition to coaching with WellAcademic, I am Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and co-founder of BARE (Black Advocacy, Resistance, and Empowerment) Mental Health & Wellness, a training and consultation business aimed at supporting Black mental health through community-based work and institutional change.

As a researcher, my scholarship has focused on resisting racism and enhancing well-being, and I see my work as a teacher, mentor, and coach as an extension of this. I situate all of my professional activities in historical, sociopolitical, and cultural contexts.

My approach to mentoring and coaching involves contextualizing experiences in the realities of power, privilege, and oppression, while emphasizing self-compassion and holistic wellness in working towards accomplishing goals.