Step into a wildly successful AND nourishing faculty life with holistic professional development offerings tailored for you.
Writing Communities
Personalized Coaching
WOC Faculty Retreats
It's great...except for the massive workload. If you're like most, just staying afloat means:
It's great...except for the massive workload. If you're like most, just staying afloat means:
Your blueprint for building an abundant faculty life.
It works even in terrain filled with systemic, institutional, and interpersonal obstacles.
Hint: You need all 4 elements for healthy, sustainable progress.
Your blueprint for building an abundant faculty life.
It works even in terrain filled with systemic, institutional, and interpersonal obstacles.
Hint: You need all 4 pieces to achieve healthy, sustainable progress.
Get psychological strategies for more focus, fulfillment, and free-time in academia—delivered twice monthly to your inbox.
Join the 1000+ community of diverse faculty who receive our free Wellness Wednesday emails.
Get a taste of our services with Wellness Wednesdays, a twice-monthly email on peaceful productivity, fulfillment, and creating spaciousness in a frenetic, overscheduled culture.
You also receive:
We offer several paid services, too.
Crush your writing goals weekly throughout the semester or during a 2-week summer writing sprint.
Achieve your goals minus the hustle and burnout in this 16-week personalized faculty coaching program.
Craft a convincing tenure and/or promotion case in this personalized 8-week coaching and developmental editing program.
Escape to the mountains for learning, deep transformation, and sisterhood in this 3-day professional development experience exclusively for women of color faculty.
Not sure which option is best for you? Let's talk about it.
We offer several paid services, too.
Crush your writing goals weekly throughout the semester or during a 2-week summer writing sprint.
Achieve your biggest goals without working longer, sacrificing your health, or forsaking your family in this 16-week, 1:1 faculty coaching program.
Craft a convincing tenure and/or promotion case in this personalized 8-week coaching and developmental editing program.
Escape to the mountains for transformation and sisterhood in this 3-day professional development experience for women of color faculty.
Not sure which option is best for you? Let's talk about it.
"WellAcademic is life-changing. The programs have given me tools to reclaim my time and work more efficiently, while living a healthier lifestyle."
April Langley, PhD
Associate Professor, University of South Carolina
No matter how you start, we promise to:
As women of color faculty, justice scholars, and moms, we see you and the invisibilized barriers to your success and well-being.
Get straight to the point.
You don't have time for fluff. So our programs have exactly what you need—and nothing you don't—for fast, sustainable results.
Give you tools that actually work.
Change is hard. We make it easier with practical tools grounded in psychological science and proven to work with hundreds of faculty just like you.
No matter how you start, we promise to:
As women of color faculty, justice scholars, and moms we see you and the invisibilized barriers to your success and well-being.
Get straight to the point.
You don't have time for fluff. So our programs have exactly what you need—and nothing you don't—for fast, sustainable results.
Give you tools that actually work.
Change is hard. We make it a lot easier with practical tools grounded in psychological science and proven to work with hundreds of faculty just like you.
"WellAcademic LITERALLY changed my life. I've learned to set and hold boundaries, better manage my workload, and create a path to mental, physical, and spiritual wholeness."
Tia Sherèe Gaynor, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
You deserve a wildly successful AND nourishing faculty life NOW,
...not after tenure
...not after promotion to full
...not after that publication
...not next semester, next year, someday.
...not after tenure
...not after full
...not after that publication
...not next semester, next year, someday.
As part of our FREE WellAcademic community, you get:
As part of our FREE WellAcademic community, you get Wellness Wednesday. Psychological strategies for more focus, fulfillment, and free-time in academia—delivered twice monthly to your inbox.
Join the 1000+ community of diverse faculty who receive Wellness Wednesday.
Let's reclaim your time and transform how you work
while helping you find fulfillment along the way.
Escape the confines of your overscheduled life with Makeover or confidently go up for P&T with Well-Prepared.
Crush your writing goals in a space of belonging, learning, and even some unabashed chair dancing.
[Offered in fall & spring]
Holistic professional advancement programs that foster the success and replenishment of women of color faculty.
Summer Writing Sprint!
Gift yourself a summer of guilt-free rest, connection, and healing knowing you got your writing done upfront in this 2-week writing sprint.
No need to sacrifice summer break to achieve your writing goals. There's a better way.